Thursday, 28 June 2007

BJP June page

Missed my dead line but I am nearly finished. Will post a picture of the finished project 30th June.

There are some amazingly talented people, an hour in the morning is not enough to look at all the beautiful work.

Monday, 18 June 2007

Bead Journal Project: June

I am starting this a little late in the month, I have deceided to set myself a target, as this page is being dedicated to my Father I would like to get it finished by 25th June, his birthday.

Fabrics being considered for the page. I am looking at winter browns and greens as here in the southern hemisphere we are in winter.

Winter solstice is the 25th June, my mother always says on this day..."we have now turned the corner and heading for the summer solstice!" She hates the winter and longs all winter long for long hot summer days.

Lady of Leisure

So now here I am a lady of leisure….. able to do all the things I have not had the time to do in the past.

Living in a small town and not having to work the women network soon envelops new comers. In January I was invited to join the art group, and the potters group, at these groups I learned about activities other ladies of leisure were doing to keep minds and hands busy. It was at the potters group that I learned about the embroidery group. Having delved a little in cross stitch and a few poor attempts at chain stitch, I joined the embroidery group. What a wonder; being the proverbial square peg I feel I have found my square fit.

I have posted some of my first attempts below.

In wanting to get more inspiration for projects I turned to the internet as in this lovely little town there are no library facilities, but then who needs a library when there is an electronic one sitting on my desk…albeit a slow one…it does work. After much searching I happened upon Sharon B’s embroidery stitch library, looked into the “a minute ago blog” and a new world was opened up to me. Sharon if you read this thank you so much for your information and totally unselfish sharing of your knowledge, blogs of interesting topics, I begin my day reading your blog and continue my day inspired.

Now I am going to try my hand at the beaded journal. I was too late to enter as I was on holiday and did not have access to the internet, but I am going to partake anyway.

I have decided that my journal pages will be dedicated to special people and events I have met and experienced. My first page I am going to dedicate to my Father as this is his birthday month, something to remember him by.

Bitten by the cross stitch bug but finding that there was just not enough liberty for what I had in my mind to achieve.

This was one of my first attempts at crazy quilting and embroydery. I am ashamed to say that these slippers are still a WIP.

This is where I create, this room is wonderful and has a beautiful outlook on our vast garden. I am so lucky!!