Oh my just look at those blue pockets...... that aren't.... now the task is to disguise these blue patches...at the moment all I can see is two huge blue spots.....
I don't seem to be able to stay focused on anything at the moment. I really don't have an excuse because I have loads of time.
Anyway enough....
I have been busy here and there with the denim shirt I started to alter, slow progress and perhaps big dreams..
Some sketches of where I want this project to go but I think I might be getting myself into a spot of bother.....prehaps a bit ambitious...we'll see.
Putting my drawnings into reality has not been that difficult and Iam finding that having the drawing as reference quite useful...new ground for me as I always keep the picture of my intended project in my minds eye. The end result is never anything like the picture in my mind as I always have such grand designs ....... Well here is the start of the alteration of my beloved denim shirt. The design has been inspired by work done by Jude Hill over at spirit cloth.