Saturday, 31 July 2010

The Face Challenge

I have entered a face challenge set by Susan ......this face was found on one of the footpaths on our compound....I had to do a little primping and preening to get it alltogether as she was a little dishevelled having weathered a storm in the night...I hoped that passers by would see her before the gardeners swept her away....
My face for the Face Challenge
 While out looking for the face, I came across these little chaps waiting for a new life and now they have a beautiful little bowl on my desk.....a lovely greeting everytime I sit down to sew at my desk.....
Little faces found in the undergrowth

Friday, 23 July 2010

West African Rainbow Lizard

At the moment I am partaking in a class given by Jude Hill of Spirit Cloth called Patchwork of the beasts featured lately is the lizard...much chatter has been going on about lizards in parts of the world so I thought I would add my bit about the lizard species we have here in Sierra Leone.....Here he is in his not so colourful but interesting suit.......

This is him in his mating suit....unfortunately this picture does not show the blue colour on his torso very clearly

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

rain watching.....waiting....

We are well and truly into the rainy by day the rain lingers longer...wreaking havoc on the roads...there are no true drainage systems here, so when it rains, roads become are being washed respite in sight.....this is just the beginning.....three more very wet months...
Rain drop on the tiles......

rain watching.....

I started this piece when we were waitng for the ash to lift from the unpronouncable volcano in is still in slow progress.....

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Gift in the mail....

"Truly great friends are hard to find difficult to leave and impossible to forget" .....a couple of weeks ago I received a parcel from my dearest friend in New Zealand, the quotation above was written on the face of the card...I am really lucky....thanks my friend you are always in my thoughts.....

Special gift from a special person.....