These girls have made their way to the UK hopefully to hang around and look pretty…good luck Girls!!
I am hoping to put more of the Girls into my shop…opening soon…
this little treasure was mailed to me from my mother….it belonged to my great Grandfather Pop…my mother did not tell me where he bought the card or when…but….
…I’m guessing he bought it in France sometime in the early 1900’s perhaps on a holiday or maybe even during the 1st World War….
…my great Grandfather Pop was very fond of his sister who lived in Ireland…this card was bought for her…and she was a very special lady because she looked after Pop’s 6 children when their mother…his wife…was committed to a mental institution….
He never posted this card…
I started this cloth back in April while we were waiting to leave the UK for Sierra Leone…it is hanging on the wall in the “studio” now but I think it needs some more attention but what that is I am not sure….
…a pot of tea perhaps?
Then there is this….
something I started at the end of the year…inspiration gained from Jude Hill…I am hoping to create a window something…but will have to see what comes from the heart to the needle to the cloth…
It’s haematin (not sure of the spelling) season here in Freetown…this is when the winds blow down from the Sarah desert…mornings are much cooler… the days are breezy…there is a haze in the air…like a pollution haze you get in an industrial city…it feels like autumn…