Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Window on Wednesday


You have to love the patriotism of the Sierra Leoneans…..

Love does not alter….Indigo dyeing…

I have had a rethink on my shirt to be a coat….last year when I started on this project I was in a very different place both in location and in mind…now I have been exposed to new techniques…new inspiration…new friends…things are in a bit if a jumble…but the mist will clear…new creations will emerge….

At long last I have braved the indigo dye….the results were wonderful…I’m game for more….

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Window on Wednesday


Remnants of an era gone by….

a weekend at the beach had me wondering through old skeletons of fine hotels…at one time…it has been told that long before the war here in Sierra Leone….people from Europe would flock to the beautiful beaches of Freetown…Tokeh beach was one of the most popular….sadly what remains are ruins…like this one, where one can see a window within a window…

Friday, 4 February 2011

Love does not alter…cont…

I first posted my “love does not alter” in April 2009, if you click on “Love does not alter” in “Labels” in the side bar you will find all the postings there…I stopped working on this piece because I did not have enough room in our tiny UK flat to spread the work out thus having an overall picture of the piece. Now i have ample room I need to pick it up again. Jude’s CWB workshop is just the inspiration I need to get me in the mood again…I hope to finish this by April..I want to wear it when we go back for a short break then…


Wednesday, 2 February 2011