Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Snow..heaps of snow...

For this African the recent snowfall in the South East England, Caterham, where we live, has been truly awesome....yes I know that in some parts of the world this is but a mere dusting, for me it has been amazing! For our dog it has been an experience in "feel the fear and do it anyway", poor baby (an African too).

Having to go out with a coat on nog al!! What decent African dog goes out in a coat...tsk ...tsk "Only in England!!"

Here the DB and I braving the snowflakes....awesome!!

It has been a magical experience for me, one I will never forget. I believe I have seen snow before when I was a very little girl back in South Africa (the land of my birth). My father even built a snow man for me...but that was a long time ago and the memory is not mine, just a story I have been told....Now I have my own memory and wow what a memory!

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