Tuesday, 13 July 2010

rain watching.....waiting....

We are well and truly into the rainy season...day by day the rain lingers longer...wreaking havoc on the roads...there are no true drainage systems here, so when it rains, roads become rivers.....homes are being washed away.....no respite in sight.....this is just the beginning.....three more very wet months...
Rain drop on the tiles......

rain watching.....

I started this piece when we were waitng for the ash to lift from the unpronouncable volcano in Iceland....it is still in slow progress.....


Radka said...

Poor you, and we are having such a great summer in Europe.
I like your stitchery, what is it going to be?

Leslie said...

one consolation...it is warm rain...as for my waiting peice...right now I'm not sure what is going to be...just a cloth to find a comfy space to rest in I guess....

india flint said...

lovely drops
and at least the unpronounceable volcano started something beautiful

Leslie said...

Thanks iNdi@ for visiting...