A few weeks ago after having collected enough "clean" and "dry" onion skins I gave the onion dye another go. The first attempt here in SL was very wishy washy and dissapointing after the rich colours I had experienced when i dyed with o/s in the UK. This attempt was a little better but the only bit of cloth to pick up the "yellow" colour was the silk velvet, actually this picture does not do it justice at all, the colour is rich with the highlighted bits looking like gold....anyway....the other bits of cloth dyed all came out a pinky colour...no there were no hangovers from the avo dye in the pot....so the explanation for this colour? only Mother Nature knows....
well my suggested explanation is that possibly the cloth was not true to type, ie they may well have been synthetic mixtures. as i write this i am also thinking that possibly the silk velvet was so thirsty that it used up most of the available colour. normally onion skin is so reliable.
question - did you simmer the vat over heat or solar dye it?
It sure looks "red" to me. Were it yellow or red onionskins ????
I dyed with avocado but it ALWAYS is a kind of beigy, no matter how long it simmers.
But the silk is always the best in picking up the colour!
Hello Els these were yellow onion skins...Kaite and I have been chatting and she mentioned a number of reasons why the pink...maybe the water ...maybe the cloth...i'm not really to fussed as i enjoy the not knowing and even the dissapointment...makes me want to try again just to see...thnks for stopping by hope you are keeping warm...any snow yet where you are?
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