There are many reasons why December is a great month....
I was born in this month...
My granny was born in this month..her birthday, when she was here on this earth, was the day after mine..
Then there's Christmas day...a very different kind of day for me now...
Another year is almost at an end...a sign of new things to adventures to experience...
As the years pass I seem to spend more time thinking back to when I was really young..when we lived in a flat on Sunny Ridge....when we used to have a real Christmas tree with pine needles that pricked my hands when placing decorations on it....when my father left a glass of milk and a plate of biscuits under the tree on Christmas eve for Father Christmas...when I was so excited I could not sleep...when I waited impatiently for my old granny and grampa to arrive on Christmas morning....I can hear her now as she came into the kitchen from the car on the drive ...."come on chummy" that was her name for my grampa....he would be following her laden with bags filled with gifts and cake tins one of which had the Christmas cake in it...poor old grampa how he managed all the parcels is still a mystery...everything seemed to be so easy in those days...
This we will spend a very quiet Christmas together, my dearly beloved and will be good for our mad rushing here and there getting caught up in the madness of the silly season...
hey, it's my special month too [for similar reasons]...enjoy!
i hope you give yourself a wonderful birthday tho, and place some flowers in a vase for Grandma. My Nana and i shared a birthday month too, and only one day apart. i always thought that as my birthday was the day before hers that made me older than her! cheers, k.
a most silly season, it needs mending.
Hi India I hope you have a good month, Kaite yes when I was younger I used to think the same in the years when it was important ot be older than...Jude at the moment i need mending i have a warm weather cold....ugh! what a contradiction...warm weather colds are hard to overcome...they tend to linger longer....
I don't know when ... but: happy birthday anyway !
It's so good to spend holidays together with just your loved ones (and NO commercial running around !!!) Have fun and stay close to your own feelings.
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