Saturday, 9 June 2012


I have spent many hours doodling squares in my life….

I remember …years ago….visiting the art gallery (have a meander…I really miss this space…) just up the road from where I lived in Durban…

….on exhibit was a piece about a metre squared….it comprised 2” squares joined together at each corner of the square..

(a very rough sketch but you get my meaning)..


I think the squares were ceramic if I’m not mistaken…..I was so taken with this piece….it has lived in my memory all these years….

I am thinking about creating the same sort of thing in cloth….


….at the moment things are very random…colours are everywhere….motives on the squares…are a bit meaningless right now….


….this…found in an “Aladdin's Cave” while in Turkey….brought the memory to the front of my brain diary…..

….another awakening to this memory…. was making stones for the Magic Feather Project…..

…got me thinking ….



deanna7trees said...

i have a similar stitching project with squares in my sketch book from years ago with all black and white cloth. you just reminded me. i love when things we see jog our memories from the past. you've made a great start and love that piece from turkey.

Els said...

Putting things "on the wall" always helps in the thinking proces !
That "curtain" in Turkey looks lovely: all the little squares are joined at the points and nothing else ... looks great. The curtain closed and yet nothing hidden ;-)
Succes making stones, I love to see them arriving from all over the world in Jude's lap !!!

kaiteM said...

Squares are like windows, maybe your interest in them grows as much from the square as from the window itself.

Leslie said...

thanks for visiting ladies...Kaite I think you have hit the nail on the head....