Monday, 3 September 2012

After the rain…..

….a couple of days ago we had the most violent storm…tragedy everywhere..venturing out of the house I noticed this…


while focusing on this I was distracted by a movement on the leaf above….


this little chap was giving me the beady eye….


on closer inspection….I just love the smiley face and the long lash on the second set of eyes….


deanna7trees said...

wow. great images.

kaiteM said...

How on earth did you get that amazing photo? he is so appealing.

Leslie said...

Kaite It's called a Nikon has a great zoom lens....he is really sweet....made me smile

Hoola Tallulah said...

WOW, amazing photos, and a sweet little chap he is too.

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

so, leslie, here i am, it's me
grace, giving you the beedy eye!
what are you DOING??????